Naturally Painless is a revolutionary advance that achieves one simple result: it stops pain almost instantly when applied. That's right. It's not a drug. It doesn't substitute a different sensation that hides the pain. And it isn't a temporary solution. It just stops the pain!
If you want relief from the pain and discomfort of physical conditions that prevent you from enjoying a pain-free life, Nautrally Painless is for you.
And Naturally Painless is for you if you suffer from any of these conditions:
"One of my patients commented that Painless, was more effective than the medication by his doctor. Another hurt his shoulder playing tennis and could barely stand my touch on his skin until I sprayed some Painless on the area. He later said that Painless worked better than anything he had used in the past."
S. Yonemoto, Physical Therapist
In fact Naturally Painless can be used in fact for ANYTHING associated with physical pain. It is an all-purpose pain reliever. It works, whether the pain is caused by muscles, joints, ligaments or nerves. Just spray it on the painful area and the relief is virtually immediate. If the pain leter returns, another application gets the same result. It can be used as many times as needed to totally handle the pain.
Naturally Painless works! No other product on the market achieves the immediate and complete results that Naturally Painless produceson a regular basis. Naturally Painless provides complete relief!
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Formulated and manufactured in accordance with a unique Proprietary Process, Naturally Painless is the first product ever introduced that offers complete relief from pain and is safe, reliable and easy to use. Spray it directly on the area of pain or discomfort and the pain stops!
There isn't a more direct or safer method to stop pain then to apply something that works directly to the affected area. When drugs are ingested for pain the entire body is treated, senses and awareness can be dulled and unwanted side effects can occur in the liver and digestive tract, as well as elsewhere. Naturally Painless is directed exactly to the area of pain or discomfort and complete relief from unwanted pain is achieved!
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"I'm a basketball coach... we have used everything since athletes are in pain a lot of the time... I haven't found anything, at any price, that works like Painless."
Michael Coleman
Naturally Painless removes the pain by:
1. Reducing inflammation
2. Promoting circulation
3. Reducing infection
4. Promoting regeneration of healthy cellsOther benefits one can expect with the use of Naturally Painless can be as varied as the types of pain and discomfort one might encounter in life. See our Endorsements and Success Stories.
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The Ingredients:
Menthol - Recognized by the FDA as an active analgesic/pain reliever menthol has been used for thousands of years in India and China to control pain naturally. Used topically, it deadens nerve endings in the skin.
MSM - A natural form of organic sulfur, essential to health and found in all living organisms. Discovered to be an agent that instantly eases pain when applied to the skin, MSM relieves inflammation and swelling by increasing oxygen in the soft tissue whose nerves are the source of pain. It contributes dramatically to the reduction of pain due to arthritis, bursitis and rheumatism, as well as strained muscles due to overexertion.
Aloe Vera - Contains at least 140 substances beneficial to the body and has been widely used for 3,500 years. Benefits for a huge variety of injuries and ailments are due to its ability to reduce inflammation and pain, inhibit infection and promote new cell growth. For these reasons it significantly advances the healing process.
Eucalyptus Oil - Used widely around the world for centuries, the oil from fresh eucalyptus leaves has numerous medical applications; the most well known being a respiratory remedy. It is also a very effective local pain killer, known to prevent infection and reduce fevers.
Sage Oil - Rich in vitamins, this herb from the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe has been used since ancient times to sooth nerves, heal sores, stop bleeding and minimize inflammation.
Grapefruit Seed Extract - A broad spectrum antimicrobial compound that kills microscopic organisms such as fungus, parasites, viruses and bacteria, is environmentally safe and non-toxic. In Naturally Painless it serves to protect the product from invading organisms as well as kill bacteria that research indicates has a causal relationship in some forms of arthritis. Often used to reduce internal inflammation caused by micro-organisms.
Naturally Painless includes this combination of superior grade natural analgesic remedies. They have been tested over centuries of use and come from all corners of the world. We specially formulate our ingredients using a unique proprietary process that turbo charges them deep into the affected tissues to give rapid, safe and long-lasting relief with no unwanted side effects
It is for these reasons that we offer you this product with our full confidence that you will receive the relief that you desire!
Conveniently packaged to go anywhere you go. Naturally Painless comes in a 2 oz. non-aerosol spray bottle. Take it with you wherever you go! Take it to the gym; keep a bottle in your car, home and even at work!
Naturally Painless provides 375 sprays in a bottle!
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Here's how to place your order. click here
[Naturally Painless is not meant to be used on or near the eyes. Should you need to spray your forehead due to headache, cover eyes before spraying. Should you accidentally get any into your eyes, immediately rinse with cool water.]